Laboratory of Chromosome Dynamics and Gene Regulation
Principal Investigator
Dr. Gunjan Mehta, Ph.D.
Research Associate II in Fluorescence Microscopy: IIT Hyderabad is establishing a national facility for Single-Molecule and Super-Resolution Imaging, funded by DBT-SAHAJ. We are looking for a candidate with Ph.D. in life sciences/biotechnology with extensive experience of using fluorescence/confocal microscopy. Please find more details here.
Ph.D. position: If you have qualified for any JRF exam/GATE, please apply online at the IIT Hyderabad website: https://www.iith.ac.in/phdadmissions/
​Post-Doc position: Candidates with Ph.D. and expertise in yeast genetics, cell and molecular biology, or microscopy are encouraged to apply for the post-doctoral fellowship (such as SERB NPDF, DST INSPIRE, Wellcome-DBT early career fellowship, DBT Research Associateship, DBT-IYBA). Please send an email to gunjanmehta@bt.iith.ac.in with your CV, research accomplishments and research interests to host you for those applications.
Internship opportunities: We have started a Hands-on training program in Biotechnology. If you are interested, please download this PDF for more information.